Representative Example HP
An OTR Cash Price of £4,995.00 with a deposit of £0.00 leaving an amount of credit of £4,995.00. The agreement is resulting a Representative 11.9% APR, Rate of interest 6.24% and a total amount payable of £6,563.20. Payments are based on a duration of agreement of 60 months, with a first monthly payment of £ 109.22, regular monthly payment of £109.22 and a final monthly payment of £119.22.
AUDIAUDI in Dereham, NorfolkBMWBMW in Dereham, NorfolkFIATFIAT in Dereham, NorfolkFORDFORD in Dereham, NorfolkHONDAHONDA in Dereham, NorfolkHYUNDAIHYUNDAI in Dereham, NorfolkJAGUARJAGUAR in Dereham, NorfolkKIAKIA in Dereham, NorfolkLAND ROVERLAND ROVER in Dereham, NorfolkMERCEDES-BENZMERCEDES-BENZ in Dereham, NorfolkMINIMINI in Dereham, NorfolkMITSUBISHIMITSUBISHI in Dereham, NorfolkNISSANNISSAN in Dereham, NorfolkPEUGEOTPEUGEOT in Dereham, NorfolkSEATSEAT in Dereham, NorfolkSKODASKODA in Dereham, NorfolkSUZUKISUZUKI in Dereham, NorfolkTESLATESLA in Dereham, NorfolkTOYOTATOYOTA in Dereham, NorfolkVAUXHALLVAUXHALL in Dereham, NorfolkVOLKSWAGENVOLKSWAGEN in Dereham, NorfolkVOLVOVOLVO in Dereham, Norfolk

Welcome to Dereham Motor Company

Located in Dereham, Norfolk, we offer a wide range of used vehicle. We pride ourselves in our friendly environment and knowledgeable staff.

All our cars are personally selected and prepared to the highest standard.